These photos are just a few that I used to create my portrait.
Megan's Piece
This is my portrait with different backgrounds, I took a bunch of different pictures and then made them all different sizes and then I added a picture of me.
Original This is the original photo of the picture that I used. Megan's Version This is my piece of the Colored/shaded Scene of Choice Cartoon 1, I colored in the picture and then I colored the animals and then I added them into the colored picture.
These are the characters and photos that I used to create my hybrid character. This is my hybrid character that I created, I used tom and jerry, tweety bird, and pooh.
Megan's Piece This is my where's Waldo/Megan Assignment, I added in a lot of pictures that are my hobbies, in total there are about 80 layers. This project was one of my favorites so far.
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